School Benefits Program


Thank you to 51ɬɬÎÝapp for helping us to support the local schools and community by promoting our School Benefits Program.

At the moment Corpus Christi has 44 families in the program and have earnt $5300 so far.

The School Benefits Program has donated $83571.00 to date to the 11 schools participating.  Shoppers receive 1% of their shop donated towards the school total every time they shop with us.  

More recent news at the shop is that we had the students of Winthrop Primary School writing to us to tell us about the dangers of plastic bags on the environment so we have devised an incentive where shoppers can receive double points for the entire month of December this year when they use a material bag instead of a plastic bag with their shop.

We also have recently installed LED lighting in store, this coupled with our solar panels on the roof is helping to reduce our carbon footprint.  We are looking forward to being more environmentally aware next year by also installing a plastic bag recycle station out the front of the store.

Corpus Communications