Senior School News - e-News 8 - 2017

2019 University Entry Pre-Requisites

Please find attached at this link the 2019 University Entry Pre-requisites. This document is relevant for the current Year 10 cohort and will be essential for those students considering an ATAR pathway in Year 11 and 12 during the upcoming subject selection process.

A guide to managing your son's 'Gaming'

Homework Club

51ɬɬÎÝapp has provided a Homework Club for current students to attend on Tuesdays and Thursday form 3:30-5:00pm. This club has been staff by our teachers on a voluntary basis aiming to assist the students who attend with any academic questions they have.

As of the 9th May, we will be employing some of our ex-students to assist at the Homework Club on Tuesdays and Thursdays providing free academic assistance to those students who take advantage of the service. Two ex-students will be available every Tuesday and Thursday assisting with a wide range of academic subjects across the week. Staff are still encouraged to attend when they have a chance as to provide further help to the students at Homework Club. It gives me great pleasure to welcome Shannon Kelly, Eamonn Kelly, Hayden Richards, Julianne de Souza and Clara Lingoh as our initial tutors at the Homework Club.

Fare Evasion

Dear Parents/ Guardians,

Recently, Swan Transit undertook an audit to determine the extent of the number of passengers deliberately avoiding pay fares on their services.  The data collected identified afternoon school services from the College, as a higher than normal incident rate of fare evasion.

They have requested that we remind all students of the requirement to have a valid ticket for travel at all times or be tagged onto a service if using a SmartRider Card.  Anyone found not to have a valid ticket is subject to being issued a $100 infringement.