Our young artists do it again!

Congratulations to the 2017 Atwell Youth Award winners! Corpus students entered 5 categories and managed to achieve an award in each category. An exceptional feat!

The Atwell Gallery in Applecross is a great supporter of the artistic endeavours of young people. For the past 15 years the gallery has provided students from different schools across the metropolitan area an opportunity to showcase artwork to the general public. This provides students with an outside audience, which is a valuable experience for emerging artists! Viewing the variety of exceptionally high standard artworks exhibited is always a marvellous experience.

Once again, the College received commendable acknowledgements for the artwork of some of our students. Judges commented on the contrast shown in each of the artworks, stating they were truly amazing. The traditional use of drawing media was absolutely breathtaking and the young artists were commended for the high degree of skill achieved, particularly in relation to the large-scale works.

As a College, we are very proud to announce the following awards winners.

Year 12 Rachel Raphael: Highly Commended Medium Pencil drawing. Title ‘Jalan Penang’
Year 11 [name witheld]: Winner First Prize: Medium Pencil drawing. Title ‘More than meets the Eye’
Year 10 Amy Riordan: Medium Ceramic sculpture. Title ‘Contemplation’
Year 7 Mark Parker:  Medium painting. Title ‘Preador comic’

Year 7 Group work –  Medium Polystyrene.  Title ‘Homage to Oldenburg’

  1. Zoee Cokcetin

  2. Hudson Craig-Power

  3. Molly Dawkins

  4. Erin Doherty

  5. Harry Dunleavy

  6. Zak Grbelja

  7. May Hopwood

  8. Abriam Kalaiarasan

  9. Hugh Livingston

  10. Lucas Maghiar

  11. Maisy Metcalfe-Gibson

  12. Tia Monument

  13. Erin Peters

  14. Sinead Rego

  15. Claudia Werch