e - News 12 - 2017

From the Principal

Dear parents

Since the beginning of term, many students have been fully engaged in a large number of learning experiences in a variety of fields:  Year 11 students were on Retreat, some experiencing a Camino (walking part of Salvado’s journey from Subiaco to New Norcia), a wellbeing themed Retreat, whilst others participated in the Mulan Immersion program...

Senior School News


WACE Checker developed to assist Year 12 students monitor their progress towards achieving the WACE

The School Curriculum and Standards Authority is pleased to announce that it has developed a WACE Checker for Year 12 students. The WACE Checker is a tool which Year 12s can use to check their progress towards achieving their Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) and is now available on the Authority website at: .

Middle School News

The Year 8 Retreat experience in 2017 was titled Corpus Character. It was chosen around the theme of building one’s character as a child of God, created in His image and likeness with the call and responsibility to grow in and live with by God like qualities.

The presenters at 24/7 Ministry focussed on the concept of ‘who are you as a person?’ The call was to be stewards of the gifts given to us, to nurture and use them to not only enrich our own lives but in sharing these gifts to then enrich the lives of others....


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