From The Principal


Dear parents

We welcome the return of Andre Papineau and Derek Bickford from leave last term, as well as the return of Karen Rourke who will be teaching the Physics senior school classes.

With Scott Connery on secondment to Beagle Bay in Terms Two and Three, we welcome Tim Bottrell who will cover Scott’s classes and Chanel Fenwick who will cover the Head of Year Ten role during this time.

We also welcome Caroline Stevenson who will be teaching Dance for the remainder of the year, whilst Melissa Baines is commencing the term as the Mackillop House Coordinator.

Catholic Education Commission of WA Strategic Directions Survey due Friday 11 May

I commence the term by inviting parents to take part in a survey of our system, which is due this Friday 11 May. The information from the Executive Director follows:

The Catholic Education Commission of Western Australia (CECWA) has a strategic purpose to ensure that Catholic education is delivered and managed through the system of Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) in a responsible and effective manner, working within the Catholic Mission, appropriate standards and regulations.

The CECWA has commenced the process of developing the strategic direction for Catholic education in Western Australia from 2019 to 2021. This fundamental work will enable the CECWA to consolidate and communicate our key objectives for coming years.

The first phase of this consultation involves gathering feedback from our Catholic education community that will inform the draft Strategic Directions 2019 - 2021.

We would like to invite you to complete a survey to provide your valued input. Visit  to complete the survey, open for participation until Friday, 11 May. There are hard copies available at reception should you wish to complete one.

The CECWA is eager to listen to our community through this important process and I thank you in anticipation for your participation in helping to shape the future direction of Catholic education throughout Western Australia. 

We haven’t had a great deal of time to respond, but if you could do so during the week, it would be appreciated.

Tours over the holidays

We welcome the return of the staff who accompanied various tours attended by students held over the holidays. In hearing of the opportunities our students have experienced, we are appreciative our staff have made them possible. Well done to:

·       Chanel Fenwick and Scott Connery who oversaw the Space Camp to NASA in the USA, having combined with the John XXIII College students. Events at Universal Studios and in Washington were also highlights of this tour.

·       Caroline Fuhr, Michelle Hunt, and Michael Royall accompanied the Dance group who participated in a range of experiences in Melbourne,

·       Sue Cooper and Lidia Di Giuseppe accompanied the Indonesian Language students on a Language immersion tour of Indonesia – a Youtube video of a TV segment of this tour which is on our Facebook site was well worth watching. Joelle L'Aiguille and Jean-Paul Papineau also accompanied a group of French students who went to Reunion Island, also for a Language immersion tour.

It was wonderful to see so many parents attend the Parent-Teacher-Student interviews held last week. I hope Term Two brings us many blessings as we enter a busy first few weeks, having already commenced with our Year 12 students sitting first semester examinations this week


Community events in the next fortnight include the P&F Meeting at 7.00pm on Tuesday 8 May in the staff room; all Corpus mums are invited to the Mothers’ Day Breakfast to be held from 7.15am in the Mater Christi Centre on Friday 11 May, and the Cambodia Immersion High Tea in the Staffroom will be held on Saturday 12 May from 2.00pm until 4.00pm. Please generously support one of the major fundraisers for our Cambodia Immersion Program, the High Tea, by contacting the College. Details have been included in the information in the more extended copy of the e-News, this week.

Our Parents and Friends Association has requested assistance from parents in the community in preparation of the up and coming Quiz night, to be held on Saturday 4 August (the night before the next AFL derby between then Fremantle Dockers and West Coast Eagles). Please contact the P&F if you can assist with the following:

·       Prize donations and vouchers

·       Various roles prior, such as wrapping donations for prizes

·       Roles during the night, such as selling Raffle Tickets, setting up the gym prior or cleaning up afterwards

If you can be of assist in any way, please email

The focus for the fundraising will be the electronic equipment for the Aquatic Centre to be built soon.

Yours sincerely

Caroline Payne


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