Term Three events and activities


Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews

Tuesday 24 July, 12.30pm - 7.30pm

Parents are encouraged to make interview appointments with teachers that you feel you need to meet with to discuss your child’s educational development. It is encouraged that students attend the interviews to assist with self-development and growth.

 Year 8 Retreat – Corpus Character

Wednesday 25 July

The aims of 51ɬɬÎÝapp are embodied in fundamental Catholic principles and beliefs. As part of encouraging our students to value all people and the world around them, the Year 8 students will be participating in the Corpus Character experience. This experience involves a day of refection and interactive sessions provided by the 24:7 School Ministry Group titled ‘Masterpiece of Creation’.

 College Drama Production – Animal Farm

Thursday 26 and Friday 27 July, 7.30pm


Launch of Year 8 Christian Service Program

The 2018 Year 8 Christian Service Program is based around the Gospel values of selfless love. Throughout time there has always been the necessity for people to reach out and help those in need. To put others first is a wonderful selfless act and an impressive quality to have. It is something that we, as Christians, should strive to do. The Year 8 Christian Service Program is designed to challenge students to reach out to others in a number of ways. 

This program will focus mainly on family and the Corpus community. Students were asked to consider why kindness is not appreciated by people who attempt to give and receive selfless acts of love- unworthiness? Insecurity? Unfamiliarity? Suspicion?

Random acts of kindness are important because they eradicate modern fear driven associations with kindness being shared among the community. Each of us may feel discomfort with the idea of giving and even receiving a kind word or gesture, however, the more we expose one another to Jesus' commandments of love for God and for one another, the more familiar we are with living the Gospel. In the words of St Francis: "Preach the Gospel at all times. And if necessary, use words."

Therefore, it is less about what we say, but rather what we do as Christians which determines our connection to our faith. 

Every student in year 8 is required to complete a minimum of ten sections of the Living Like Jesus grid made available via One Note. Each section of the grid contains a particular service task which challenges students to actively serve others. Students are welcome to complete more than ten service tasks. As students complete the tasks they will need to complete each task with evidence of success. Students may use their iPad or portable device to collect this evidence appropriately. Images must contain the student performing the act of service. Photographs which do not feature the student will not be considered as appropriate evidence of a completed service task. 

Students have been encouraged to log on to their One Note drive to access the service grid and their reflection tasks. Their completed service journal is due on Friday of Week 7. 

Get snapping and spread the love, Year 8s! 


 Year 9 Bishops Religious Learning Area test

Wednesday 1 August


Parents and Friends Quiz Night

Saturday 4 August


Year 7 STEM

Week commencing 27 August


Year 9 Personal Project Exhibition - Tuesday 4 September

The Personal Project comes to its culmination this term and students need to complete their project, report and exhibition set up. More details of the project can be found on the Year 9 Portal in SEQTA.

Students have all been allocated a Staff Supervisor to assist them to stay on track with their project and to offer advice and support. Most students have met with their supervisors twice already, with another meeting encouraged in the first few weeks of term. Students are welcome to make as many supervisor meetings as they feel they require to get the support they deem needed, especially leading up to the exhibition and report due date. 


Year 11 Retreat

Wednesday 1 August - Friday 3 August



College Assembly - Tuesday 7 August

College Assembly - Monday 10 September

College Assembly - Thursday 20 September


Inter-house Carnival - Friday 10 August

The Inter-house Carnival is an opportunity for all students to support their House and demonstrate their spirit for their House and the College. This is a compulsory College event. If students are not able to participate or attend they are required to provide a note to their House Coordinator.


Year 9 Parent Information Evening - Tuesday 14 August

This is an evening that will assist parents to understand the process of the student move into Year 10 and provide information for 2019 subject selections. Parents are encouraged to attend.


Pupil Free Days

Friday 17 August

Monday 20 August


Pastoral Program

The Year 9 College Pastoral Programme continues into Term Three. The Pastoral Programme focusses on four aspects; Faith Formation, Social Development, Well Being and Striving for Excellence. 

Monday 30 July  - Period 3

Wednesday 22 August - Period 3

Tuesday 11 September - Period 3


College Art and Technology and Enterprise Exhibition Evening

13 September


Year 8 Vaccinations

Tuesday 18 September



College Full Winter uniform is required for Term Three. Students who are missing an item such as a tie, blazer, jumper, shoes or stockings are asked to continue to wear the uniform and bring a note from their parents. Students are asked not to wear the Physical Education uniform in replacement of a missing uniform item.

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