eNews - Aug 27 2018


A Message From The Principal

Dear parents

August has been quite an Arts Festival sort of month.  Our dance groups performed admirably last Tuesday night, and again, I was proud of their accomplishments. Dance teachers Caroline Fuhr and Caroline Stevenson coordinated three groups, the largest group, the Corpus Dance Company commenced the night’s proceedings, with the Corpus Dance Collective and the Corpus Boyz Dance Crew also performing at the Convention Centre this week...

Senior School News

A brief update on Curtin University Scholarships available to school leavers:

 (Closing Date: 16 Nov 2018) Application Form Not Required

 (Closing Date: 16 Nov 2018) Application Form Not Required...

Middle School News

Father’s Day Breakfast

On Friday 31 August, the College will be hosting a Fathers' Day Breakfast for all students and their Dads outside the Mater Christi Centre Cafeteria, from 7.15am to 8.00am....

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