Family Faith Information

As we adapt to the closing of our churches and the requirement of self-isolation and self-distancing, we know it will be an unusual Easter time.

Our College Ministry team have provided some ideas and resources you may wish to incorporate with your family to keep your faith connection during this time.

Live Stream Mass Opportunities

Prayer Resources:

Christian Meditation

  • Christian Meditation Website:

  • What is meditation? by Laurence Freeman OSB:


Holy Week at Home:

Holy Week at Home – a resource produced by Liturgy Brisbane. Contains a prayer service for each of the events of Holy Week – Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday & Easter Sunday:

Holy Thursday



Good Friday

For young children:

  • Stations of the Cross:

  • Story of Easter (cartoon):

For adolescents and adults:

  • Stations of the Cross:

Songs for reflection on Good Friday

  • In the Shadow of Your Cross:

  • Above All (Fr Rob Galea):

Songs for reflection on Good Friday (adolescents and adults):

  • In the Shadow of Your Cross:

  • Above All (Fr Rob Galea):

Holy Saturday

Easter Sunday

Praise Song for the Pandemic

PRAISE SONG FOR THE PANDEMIC - written and read by Christine Valters Paintner, from Abbey of the Arts and music by Giants & Pilgrims. Explore more at http://...