e-News #13 Week 3-4

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Dear Parents

We always have mixed feelings when farewelling our graduates of 2015. In whatever endeavours they pursue, we wish them all Gods blessings to be able to reach their dreams with a sense of hope in their hearts, knowing they have worked hard to achieve their goals.

Without missing a beat, we now also welcome our 2016 cohort of Year 12 students, who as our Year 11 students said goodbye to their Year 11 courses last week, and commenced their Year 12 subjects recently. They now have 25 days of schooling in 2015, giving them a head start in their courses prior to February next year.

A big week at Corpus: Week Two Term Four

Year 12 Graduation, Art Exhibition and Grandparents Mass – three big events in one week were all well-organised and significant community events which wouldnt be possible without a large number of staff being involved. I am grateful for the key staff involved in each series of events: Ms Sally Farrington, Mr Cam Allen, Mr Evan Georgopoulos, Mrs Yvette Pearce, Messrs Simon Keane and David Harries, Ms Gaby Fabris, Mrs Julie Pannell, Mrs Katie-Anne Kennedy, Ms Catherine Runyon and our Administration, Grounds, ICT and Leadership Teams.

It was wonderful to see all Heads of Year support Head of Year 12 Ms Sally Farrington as the final preparations went into the last day for our graduates involving the organisation of the Year 12 Breakfast, School Assembly, Graduation Mass and Awards Ceremony and Graduation Dinner on the Sunday, whilst their Homeroom teachers were seen to be guiding the Year 12s on these last days at the College.

In the same week, key staff from the Arts and Technology and Enterprise Learning Areas worked together to enable the Exhibition to open. Week Two was followed by further student acknowledgements during the Burgundy, White and Blue Sports Awards Dinner held at the College, and was coordinated by Messrs James Howard and Cam Allen. These events would not be successful without a lot of people involved. On behalf of the students, I am grateful for the generosity of spirit of our staff.

World Teachers Day

On Friday 30 October, we celebrated the invaluable contribution that teachers make to the faith formation and education of students and our broader society, through World Teachers Day.

CEO Executive Director Dr Tim McDonald emailed all teachers this week, expressing his gratitude for the work they do. In his email, he quoted Pope Francis, who summed up the role of a teacher in this wonderful manner. I quote Dr McDonald:

I would like to personally thank each and every one of you working in Catholic Education for your dedication, energy and commitment to the development of all children in your care.

I recognise that the demands placed upon you on a daily basis are significant. As a teacher, you must constantly navigate and adapt to complex challenges and situations, and keep your students engaged in our rapidly changing world.

Pope Francis has thanked teachers on many occasions, whilst also challenging us to bear witness to our faith on a daily basis.

Education is an important mission which draws young people to what is good, beautiful and true.

Never, ever close the door, open all of them wide so that students will have hope.
- Pope Francis

World Teachers Day is celebrated in over 100 countries and is a fitting acknowledgement for the efforts of teachers globally, and offers an opportunity for students, parents and community members to demonstrate their appreciation for the incredibly important work of teachers.

The College Parents and Friends provided a special morning tea last Friday (30 October) on behalf of parents, acknowledging the efforts of our staff.

On behalf of 51ɬɬÎÝapp, I congratulate our teachers for their dedication and commitment to the students in their classes in a wide variety of contexts, keeping them safe, guiding their learning, challenging their students to excel and giving them hope and optimism for the future.

Acknowledging our Year 12 Major Award Winners

Our Year 12 students graduated on Friday 23 October at St Mary s Cathedral. Deputy Principal Ian Hagen has announced the major awards winners in his segment in this copy of the e-News. I take this opportunity to congratulate all Year 12 students who were presented with College awards.

The Sequere Dominum Award is Corpus Christis most prestigious award and presented to a Year 12 student of the College each year. It acknowledges the graduate who epitomises the College stated values including nurturing a living faith, promoting justice and service to others, striving for excellence in everything they do and respecting the dignity of each person they encounter.

All staff are invited to nominate students for this award, from which the recipient/s of the Corpus Christi Medals are chosen. The 2015 winner of the Sequere Dominum Award was Jennifer Gresham, who has been an outstanding role model in her role on the Prefect Committee in 2015. She is a humble and generous leader who continually demonstrates the integration of faith, life and culture in all that she does.


Jennifer served others in many varied ways during her time at 51ɬɬÎÝapp including Year 7 Reflection Days, St Pat s Soup Kitchen in Fremantle, coaching various Middle School basketball teams and as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. In so doing, Jennifer has completed over 260 hours of Christian Service.

Jennifer has been a Cadre Leader in Year 12 and been involved in the Quest Retreat since Year 10. Her dedication and organisation have been invaluable to the smooth running and success of the Mulan Immersion Programme over the past three years. Her participation in the programme from Year 10 to Year 12 has been an essential component in building stronger links between 51ɬɬÎÝapp and the Mulan Aboriginal Community. In Year 9, Jennifer s Personal Project was to make the personal care packages for each of the students attending JPP Catholic School in Mulan, demonstrating her genuine commitment to the promotion of justice and care for others. Outside of the College, Jennifer has assisted with the running of after-school Catechist classes at St Benedicts Parish in Applecross.

Jennifer has been a wonderful ambassador for 51ɬɬÎÝapp.

Deputy Principal Ian Hagen has acknowledged all Year 12 Awards recipients in his article in this copy of the Newsletter. Congratulations to all the recipients of these Awards which were presented to them after the Graduation Mass at St Marys Cathedral.

An invitation to Parents

The AGM of the College Board and Parents and Friends will be held next year. In preparation for the 2016 academic year, Board Chair Mr Greg LeGuier will be inviting interested parents to nominate for the College Board very soon. Interested parents and community members who wish to contribute in this important way are asked to consider nomination.

The College Board of Management is entrusted to assist in the financial management of the College, its strategic purpose and in the planning of future capital works. Parents who have one or a combination of the following are strongly encouraged to apply:

  • Active in their Parishes
  • Building and Construction
  • Business and Finance
  • ICT and Technology
  • Legal
  • Marketing and Public Relations
  • Professional
  • Risk Management
  • Senior Management experience
  • Tertiary or Secondary Education.
  • I invite all parents to consider their nominations as a Board member for 2016.

    Welcome to Mrs Karen Prendergast, Vice Principal

    Karen_WebMrs Karen Prendergast commenced her role as Vice Principal at the College after concluding her time as the Deputy Principal Teaching and Learning (K-12) at Newman College, a position she has held since 2011. Karen was formerly Head of Society and Environment at St Mark s Anglican Community School, having also held a variety of roles at Christ the King Catholic School in the UK for over 16 years, ranging from Head of Geography to Director of Teaching and Learning, and finally, Assistant Headteacher. Karen has also had an early association with 51ɬɬÎÝapp, having taught Social Studies and Geography in 1991.

    Karen is well qualified for this senior leadership role in the College. Holding a BA (Hons) in Geography, a Post Graduate Certificate in Education and a Catholic Teachers Certificate, Karen is currently completing a Master of Religious Education qualification at the Notre Dame University.

    Karen is committed to ongoing learning, her priorities this year being the creation of a staff performance and development culture, improving practice in the area of diversity education, and supporting digital innovation to enhance student learning outcomes as part of the educational goals at Newman College. Clearly these goals resonate with ours at 51ɬɬÎÝapp.

    Karen s passion for a strong Catholic co-educational learning programme, her strong inter-personal skills, along with her knowledge of the challenges which educational leaders face in schools, will enable her to collaborate closely with our Leadership and Teaching and Learning Council Teams as we pave the way for the future. I am certain Karen will ensure the College continues to provide our students with positive, challenging and rewarding school experiences.

    Best wishes and God Bless.

    Mrs Caroline Payne

    NB: Apostrophes and ampersands (As well as a few other font characters) are not displaying correctly in this current e-News, we are working on fixing the issue and hope to have it rectified by 2016. Corpus Communications.

    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


    [tab_item icon="" title="Middle School" tabs="tabs"]


    [accordion_item title="Student Leadership" accordion="accordion"]

    In the last week or so, Years 7 to 9 students have had the opportunity to step up and take the courageous leap of nominating for Student Leadership for 2016. The students nominating for House Representative in Years 8 and 9 presented speeches to their Homerooms and the Homeroom peers have selected the representative that they believe would best support their Homeroom and Year group. These will be announced early Week 4.

    The preferential voting system was used to allow the Year 7s and 8s to demonstrate their civic duty, which complements the Humanities Civics programme currently being undertaken.

    The students nominating for Committee positions in the areas of Ministry, Sports, Arts or Communications will have the opportunity to attend an interview starting this week and explain why they believe they are the best person for the representative position.

    All students who have nominated are to be commended for their willingness to support the College and offer service to their peers.


    [accordion_item title="Student Participation - National Bandanna Day" accordion="accordion"]

    Year 9 student Peyton Craig-Power was invited to attend an all-day event in Perth City selling Bandannas for National Bandanna Day on Friday 30 October. She sold Bandannas through CanTeen (An organisation for kids living with Cancer). Peyton is to be commended for her continued efforts supporting CanTeen.



    [accordion_item title="Resilience" accordion="accordion"]

    Resilience is the ability to meet and overcome challenges in ways that maintain or promote well-being. It incorporates attributes like grit, persistence, initiative, and determination.

    We build resilience when we push students gently to the edges of their intellectual, emotional, social, and physical comfort zones. Our support and encouragement as they take risks, overcome challenges, and grow from failure helps them learn to bounce back from lifes ups and downs.

    Some useful resources may be found at:



    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


    [tab_item icon="" title="Senior School" tabs="tabs"]


    [accordion_item title="Year 12 Awards and Graduation" accordion="accordion"]

    Recently we farewelled the Year 12 students in what was a busy final week for the Graduands of 2015. The Year 12 Final Assembly, Graduation Mass and Awards Presentation and Graduation Dinner are all very important College events.

    As the students complete their time at the College they move off in a number of different paths whether it be further study, training or employment I would like to wish the Graduating class of 2015 every success for the future, whatever that may hold.

    At the Graduation Mass and Awards Ceremony on Friday evening a number of significant College Leadership Awards were presented along with subject awards. I have included below the winners of the various awards. Congratulations to all of the students.

    Sequere Dominum Award This is the Colleges most prestigious award and is presented to a Year 12 student of the College. It acknowledges the outstanding graduate of the year. All staff are invited to nominate students for this award as we are looking for the Graduate from the College who has made the most progress towards the College beliefs and values which include: nurturing a living faith, promoting justice and service to others, striving for excellence in everything they do and respecting the dignity of each person.

    The 2015 winner of the Sequere Dominum was Jennifer Gresham. Jennifer has been an outstanding role model for all members of the College Community. She is a humble and generous leader who continually demonstrates the integration of faith, life and culture in all that she does.

    Jennifer served others in many varied ways during her time at Corpus Christi including Year 7 Reflection Days, St Pat’s Soup Kitchen, coaching various Middle School basketball teams and being an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. In so doing, Jennifer has completed over 260 hours of Christian Service.

    Jennifer has been a Cadre Leader in Year 12 and was been involved in the Quest Retreat since Year 10. Her dedication and organisation have been invaluable to the smooth running and success of the Mulan Immersion Programme in Year over the past three years. Her participation in the programme from Year 10 to Year 12 has been an essential component in building stronger links between 51ɬɬÎÝapp and the Mulan Aboriginal Community. In Year 9 Jennifers Personal Project was to make and personal care packages for each of the students attending JPP Catholic School in Mulan. Demonstrating her genuine commitment to the promotion of justice and care for others. Outside of the College, Jennifer has assisted with the running of after-school Catechist classes at St Benedict’s Parish in Applecross.

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    Corpus Christi Medals Corpus Christi Medals are presented to Year 12 students nominated and considered by the selection panel for the award of Sequere Dominum. The Medal acknowledges the outstanding qualities of those graduating students and affirms their achievement. It signifies the Colleges deep appreciation of the students leadership and contribution they made to the life of the College.

    This year we had 14 recipients of this award. All students have been outstanding role models for students at the College and have participated in many aspects of College life. The winners for 2015 were:

    Rachel (Alyssa) Bay
    Sam Coten
    Bethany Coulter
    Rebekah-Anne Craggs
    Jennifer Gresham
    Rhys Jones
    Shannon Kelly
    Chloe Kingston
    Samuel LaMacchia
    Rebecca Lu
    Rebecca Machado
    Jason Martins
    Benjamin Ring
    Aveen Yoong

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    Christian Service Award This award is presented to the student or students in Year 12 who have best encompassed the spirit of Christian Service. The recipient of this award is a student who is an exemplary role model in the area of Christian Service at the College.

    The winner for 2015 was Aveen Yoong. Aveen has maintained an outstanding level of commitment to the College and the wider community over the past five years. She has contributed to many facets of service available at 51ɬɬÎÝapp including St Pats Soup Kitchen, Young Vinnies, coaching Public Speaking and the Middle School Badminton team, as well as assisting with Relay for Life. In so doing, Aveen has completed over 400 hours of Christian Service.

    Aveen was a Quest Leader in Year 11 and a Cadre Leader in Year 12. Her dedication and organisation have been invaluable in ensuring the smooth running and success of this years Quest Retreat. She is also an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. Aveen has also been an active volunteer in her local Parish, by assisting in the organising and running of childrens camps over the last three years.

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    Arts Leadership
    The Arts Leadership Award is presented to the Year 12 student who has provided outstanding service to the area of the Arts in the College. The recipient of the award for 2015 was Benjamin Ring. Benjamins commitment to the Arts has been extensive and of the highest standard. He has achieved outstanding results in Stage 3 Drama, which he finished in Year 11 and has demonstrated outstanding achievement in his commitment to Drama and the Arts.

    As Arts Captain, his achievements and leadership have resulted in many students taking part in numerous programmes and events across the College. This is not just due to Benjamins natural talent, but as a result of his continual desire to achieve, learn and progress. His lead performances in Bugsy Malone and Midsummer Nights Dream are testament to his work ethic and dedication to the Arts.

    This year as Arts Captain, Benjamin has taken clear leadership of the Inter-House Play Competition and his work as Arts Captain has impacted very positively on the culture of the College. He is to be commended for his talents, energy and commitment to the Arts. Benjamin is a worthy receipt of the Arts Leadership Award for 2015.

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    Sports Leadership
    The Sports Leadership Award is awarded to the student who has provided outstanding service to sport in the life of the College. This year we had two recipients of the award: Rebecca Lu & Rhys Jones.

    Rebecca Lu - Rebecca has been remarkable in her commitment to sport at the College. She represented the College in Basketball, Football, Soccer, Cricket, Squash, Badminton, Water polo, Swimming and Athletics. Rebecca has been honoured with Service Awards and College Colours for Basketball and AFL. She has excelled across a range of sports at ACC and Champion Schools level. Rebecca was awarded the Best All Round Girl at Sport in 2012 and in 2013 and 2014 was named Best and Fairest for the College Senior Girls Football Team. In 2015 she led the Senior Girls Football Team as Co-Captain.

    Rebecca has put back into the College sporting program through organising numerous inter-house competitions along with coaching, mentoring and officiating junior Inter-School basketball and football teams over a number of years. As a leader she has always respected the rights and dignity of others.

    Rebecca is a very worthy recipient of the College Sports Leadership Award for her tremendous contribution to Sport at Corpus Christi over the past five years.

    Rhys Jones - Rhys has been outstanding in his commitment to sport at the College. He represented Corpus Christi in Cricket, Australian Football, Touch and Squash during his time at the College. Rhys has assisted staff with the officiating and coaching of junior teams every year throughout his time at the College. Rhys was recognised in 2014 with Service Awards for his contribution to cricket and AFL. This year Rhys received the Colours for both Cricket and AFL in recognition of his tremendous contribution and consistent performance in both these sports over five years.

    The year Rhys has served the College in the role of Sports Captain. He has passionately organised, promoted, and encouraged healthy sporting competition across all year levels. In 2015 Rhys Captained the College 1st XI Cricket Team.

    Rhys has put back into the College sporting program through coaching, mentoring and officiating junior cricket and football teams over several years. As a leader he always puts others before himself. Rhys has demonstrated wonderful sportsmanship, class and humility in everything he does. Rhys was a very worthy recipient of the College Sports Leadership Award for his outstanding contribution to Sport at the College over the past five years.

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    Proxime Accessit and College Dux
    These awards are calculated using the same criteria as the Beazley Medal and presented to the Year 12 students who achieves the two highest scores across five WACE examinable courses. Two courses coming from each of Lists A and B. This year it gives me great please to introduce to you the Proxime Accessit and College Dux for 2015.

    Proxime Accessit: Tanika Sgherza
    College Dux: Katrina Gan

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    AustralianSuper Award for Excellence in VET
    The AustraliaSuper Award for Excellence in Vocational Education and Training is presented to the Year 12 student who has achieved the best overall performance in a Vocational programme of study and in the field of Vocational Education and Training. This years’ recipient was Chloe Kingston.


    [accordion_item title="Year 12 Subject Award Winners" accordion="accordion"]



    [accordion_item title="Commencement of Year 12 2016" accordion="accordion"]

    On Monday 2 November the Class of 2016 commenced their Year 12 studies. All students have received their new timetable which includes the courses they will be studying during their final academic year. Parents and students are reminded about this group will need to filfill the new requirements to achieve their Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE). One important aspect of these requirements is the need to complete the year length courses. In previous years students have had the opportunity to change subjects after Semester 1 – This is no longer possible. It is therefore essential that students are in the correct courses. Any students wishing to make subject changes can do so before the end of this year. Please email slow@corpus.wa.edu.au to arrange an appointment.


    [accordion_item title="Year 10 Examinations" accordion="accordion"]

    The timetable for the Year 10 Examiantions will be available in coming weeks. This is a reminder to parents/carers that during the Year 10 Examinations students will only be required to attend the College for their scheduled examinations. On the days/times when students do not have examinations they will be permitted to stay at home and study. Should a student have a morning examination and wish to remain at school for the remainder of the day to study then a venue will be made available to the students for these purposes. Likewise, should a student wish to come into the College to study before an afternoon examination.

    Below a few key reminders regarding the College Examination Policy and Practice.

  • Students should ensure they are at the examination venue 20 minutes before the start of reading time as they will be directed into the examination room at least 10-15 minutes before it commences. No extra time is given for lateness. No allowance will be made to students who miss an examination through misreading the timetable.
  • The 51ɬɬÎÝapp Examination Policy applies in full at all times.
  • Students studying modules which do not have an examination component, will only be required to attend the College during this period if they need to complete outstanding tasks or assessment work.
  • Students are not permitted to leave early from an examination.
  • If students are unable to sit for an examination due to extenuating circumstances please ensure the procedures outlined in the Senior School Diary are followed.
  • If you have any questions or queries regarding the Year 10 Examinations then please do not hesitate to contact Ms Jen Overend (Head of Year 10) or myself at the College.



    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


    [tab_item icon="" title="Corpus General News" tabs="tabs"]

    [accordion_item title="Arts News" accordion="accordion"]


    Sunday 8 - Guys and Dolls – Auditions 10am-2.00pm
    Wednesday 18 - Vocal Recital
    Thursday 19 - John Ralph Guitar Concert

    Wednesday 9 - Carols in the Quad

    College Production 2016

    Following a fantastic opening event last night, we can truly say that the school production, Guys and Dolls, has started.

    Thanks to Miss Palfrey and Mr Nick Mayer for demonstrating some of the songs, and well done too, for those youngsters who already tried the audition song out with Mr Harries at the end of the evening.

    For those of you that couldn't make it, if you want to get involved onstage, backstage, front of house, or in the band, you need to know that the auditions are coming soon. See below.

  • Audition date for hopeful cast members: Sunday November 8th, 10am-2pm, in the Auditorium.
  • Please collect an audition form, audition songs and dialogue from Mrs Hunt in the Arts Office immediately.
  • Prospective band members, backstage helpers, set designers etc., please contact Mr Harries or Mr Dove as soon as possible.
  • Do not forget there is a pre-audition workshop with Mr Harries and Miss Palfrey in JO4 on Thursday 5th November from 3.30pm-5pm.


    Congratulations to Caitlin Dougall on the following outstanding achievements:

    Opening singing section at Show Case

    Open section – Hollywood Bound

    ARTIFICAL - The Creative Collective
    Congratulations to all our Visual Art and Design Technology students on a wonderful exhibition which was enjoy by all who attended.

    Special thanks to Gaby Fabris, Julie Pannell and Katie-Anne Kennedy who their amazing effort in supporting the students in producing a high calibre event.


    [accordion_item title="Carols in the Quad" accordion="accordion"]

    The Annual Carols on the Green event has been rebranded in 2015 with a new venue and change of date. This is due to a calendar clash and also to trial a new format. We will be hosting CAROLS IN THE QUAD on Wednesday Evening, 9 December. The central precinct leading up to the Corpus Cafeteria stage will be a sea of deck chairs, picnics and families! Please save the date as more information is coming out next week!


    This is a Parents and Friends community-building event and we will be asking families to donate any items for children in our donation Gift Box. Whether it be clothing for kids, teddy bears, toys, books etc, all items will be passed on to children in need. More info about this in the coming weeks!

    Corpus Communications
    (On behalf of the Parents and Friends)



    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.



    The 51ɬɬÎÝapp e-News is a fortnightly newsletter showcasing all of the latest activities, events and achievements at the College. The e-News is distributed to the 51ɬɬÎÝapp community and made available on the public website. For more information, please contact communications@corpus.wa.edu.au Tags:eNews, news

    eNewsCorpus Communications