Easter Blessing

HolyWeekDear Parents

Each sub-school celebrated our Holy Week Liturgy at St Thomas More Parish Church this morning. We know it is important that we remember that Easter is the main feast of the Church, when we rejoice at the triumph of Christ. The paschal mystery, the Lord’s Supper, the crucifixion of Jesus and the resurrection, form the heart of our liturgical year. Our faith is built on the resurrection of Jesus. Jesus is truly risen and is with us still. I encourage all families to attend the services within their own parishes and communities over the coming weekend.

‘Lord, be with us as we remember and meditate on the great mysteries of your great love, your dying and your rising. As we go through the seasons of dying and rising in our lives, may we join ourselves to your suffering, confident in your resurrection power. May we be sustained and fed by you, and may we always say “Yes” to your invitation of love. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord, Amen’

I wish all our students and staff, and their families, a happy and holy Easter.

Please have a safe holiday, returning to school on Tuesday 21 April, which will commence with a Whole School Assembly with a focus on our Anzac service. All are welcome to attend.

Best wishes and God bless

Mrs Caroline Payne

Thursday 2 April 2015