eNews #4 Term Two Week 6

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[tab_item active="yes" title="From The Principal" tabs="tabs"]

Dear Parents

Caroline_2015This weekend we celebrated Pentecost. The second reading encapsulates the story for us as we journey towards the feast of Corpus Christi:

‘No-one can say, ‘Jesus is Lord’ unless he is under the influence of the Holy Spirit. There is a variety of gifts but always the same Spirit: there are all sorts of service to be done, but always to the same Lord; working in all sorts of ways in different people, it is the same God who is working in all of them. The particular way in which the Spirit is given to each person is for a good purpose. Just as a human body, though made up of many parts, is a single unit because all these parts, though many, make one body, so it is with Christ’ (Corinthians 12: 3-7. 12-13).

Regardless of race, creed or religion, we are one body in Christ.

Please keep our Corpus Christi Day Mass in your diary for 8.45am Friday 12 June in the David Heath Centre. All are welcome!

This weekend, we also celebrated the Feast of Mary Help of Christians, Patroness of Australia:

Mary, Help of Christians, watch over us with love.
Intercede for us with your Son, to bless Australia,
so that we can be people of peace –
people who love and respect each other,
and people who love and respect our land, Australia.
We make this prayer through Jesus, your Son. Amen

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With the release of the Federal and State Budgets of recent times, it is an opportune time for our community to meet with local state member for Bateman Mr Matt Taylor MLA BSc (Hons), who will be attending the first part of the P&F meeting on 2 June 2015 in the staffroom, commencing at 7.00pm. Although I will be out of the State, Board Chair Mr Greg LeGuier will be joining Acting Vice Principal Mr Jim Elliott to head this part of the meeting.

Areas we will raise include:

  • Our gratitude for the funding we received for our students

  • Our request that the State Government funds our Year 7 students as secondary students, as they have done with the government sector for 2015, something the Education Minister Mr Peter Collier had promised the Catholic sector once Year 7 students moved onto secondary sites in DET schools. The cost differential for 2015 was $1324 per student per annum.

  • We acknowledge the WA Government provides us with greater per capita funding compared to other states; however, our concern was in the late notice given (in December) regarding the increases in our recurrent funding and the reduction by 1%.

  • On 11 December last year, we were advised that State Government funding for the vast majority of Catholic schools was to increase by only 1.02% in 2015. With the Catholic Education Office conservatively predicting a minimum 2% increase in line with past experience, we were disappointed by this decision as well as the timing of this announcement, just before the conclusion of the academic year and just prior to Christmas. We hope there is not a recurrence of this process.

    There may be other areas you wish to raise with our local member of parliament. Please email Mr Greg LeGuier via my Personal Assistant, Mrs Bernadette Canny on bcanny@corpus.wa.edu.au

    I would like to take this opportunity to urge parents to attend this meeting to show your support.

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    The College is currently seeking applicants for two vacancies in the Administration Team, College Accountant and Accounts Payable Officer. Please check the details on our website if you are interested in applying for one of these roles.

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    Christine Pitman from the CEWA Aboriginal Education Team, visited the College late last week and met with teacher and House Coordinator Miss Amy Christophers to discuss a plan of action involving our Reconciliation Strategy. Preparations are underway for Sorry Day which will be held at the College this Tuesday. Other initiatives adopted by the College included Clontarf students visiting the College last term, and the students from Mulan who board at Swanleigh Camps and Conferences, (and attend La Salle College), also visiting Corpus to meet with current Year 12 students who visited Mulan in 2014. I am delighted with the support of the staff and students who will be part of the ‘Mulan Mob’, visiting the Catholic school in the remote eastern Kimberley region next term. These are just a few examples highlighting our College values which focus on reconciliation:

  • Nurturing a living faith

  • Promoting justice and service to others

  • Respecting the dignity of each person

  • Creating and maintaining a caring and inclusive College community.

  • These are not just empty words, but lived in the holistic education and opportunities we afford our students at the College. I am hopeful we can ‘be people of peace, people who love and respect each other’, referred to in the prayer to Mary Help of Christians.

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    It was wonderful to see our netball girls return from their carnival last Friday. Coordinated by Mrs Deborah Santaromita over the course of a number of years, three of our teams are onto the next round of fixtures in the inter-school competition - the Year 8, Year 10 and Senior Girls teams.

    Please continue to keep our Years 11 and 12 students in your prayers during their examinations this week.

    Yours sincerely

    Mrs Caroline Payne

    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


    [tab_item icon="" title="Middle School" tabs="tabs"]


    [accordion_item title="Communication and Action" accordion="accordion"]

    To assist parents with ensuring the most efficient flow of information and effective communication between school and home, please take note of following reminders and examples:

    • If you have a concern with course work or academic issues, the correct contact path would be the subject teacher and then Head of Learning Area/ Head of Year.

    • If the concern is of a pastoral nature, please direct your concerns to the homeroom teacher and then the Head of Year.


    [accordion_item title="Reflection Days" accordion="accordion"]

    Dear Year 8 and 9 Parents,

    27 May and 28 May will see your sons and daughters participate in the Middle School Reflection Days. The objective of these days is for each student to experience a sense of spiritual awakening and or recognition. These days lay foundation to Senior School retreats that help equip each child with skills, knowledge and self -belief for the rigours of life. The theme this year is “The Hero Within” and the prayer below will be used on the day.

    I Am Special

    You are who you are for a reason.
    You’re part of an intricate plan.
    You’re a precious and perfect unique design,
    called God’s special person.
    You look like you look for a reason.
    Our God made no mistake.
    He knit you together within the womb;
    you’re just what he wanted to make.
    The parents you had were the ones he chose,
    And no matter how you may feel,
    they were custom-designed with God’s plan in mind.
    They bear the Master’s seal.
    No, that trauma you faced was not easy.
    And God wept that it hurt you so;
    But it was allowed to shape your heart
    So that into his likeness you’d grow.
    You are who you are for a reason;
    You’ve been formed by the Master’s hand.
    You are who you are;
    because there is a loving God.

    Year 8 students will be spilt into two groups over the two days. Four Houses will complete the programme on 27 May, the remaining four Houses will be in NORMAL classes on this day. On May 28 the other four Houses will swap places and repeat the before mentioned process.

    Year 9 students will also be split into two groups, where four Houses will attend the Reflection Day activities and the remaining four experience the “Loving for Life” incursion.


    [accordion_item title="Aurecon Bridge Building Competition" accordion="accordion"]

    Screen Shot 2015-05-25 at 11.44.01 amDo you think you can build the best bridge? Are you a Year 8 or 9 student?

    We are looking for students to participate in Aurecon Bridge Building Competition.

    Students will work in teams of three (3) students and will practise building bridges for a few weeks. The best two teams will be selected to build the bridge for the Aurecon Bridge Building Competition. The selected teams will spend 6 weeks creating the bridge out of the materials provided by Aurecon. Click here to access more information about the competition.


    [accordion_item title="Scitech Brainstorm Challenge Day" accordion="accordion"]

    Scitech02On Tuesday the 28 April 2015, Year 8 Students from the Academic Excellence Extension Program (AEEP) went to Scitech to participate in the Brainstorm Challenge Day. There were 21 students representing 51ɬɬapp in total, coming together to create 7 teams. These teams participated in 5 challenges over the course of the day, which consisted of: The CSIRO Lab Challenge, The Physics Quiz, The Space Challenge and The Engineering Challenge.

    Congratulations to all the students who participated in the Scitech Brainstorm Challenge Day and proudly represented 51ɬɬapp. A special mention goes to team members of “The Shell-Less Turtles” Harry Regan, Mya Chan and Elizabeth Hart, who came 5th place at the event, competing against 45 other teams from 8 different schools.

    Students developed many skills that can be used in the classroom on a daily basis during their experience at Scitech. Some of these skills include teamwork and collaboration, which are useful when making decisions within a group without conflict when completing a task. The students also developed the ability to come to conclusions that each member of the team is happy with which is useful when in a leadership position, whether the role be within the College or in another leadership position such as a sport team captain. The experience also helped the students to manage their time efficiently and listen closely to the instructions or advice being given to them.

    Thanks are extended to Ms Chong for taking the students on the day and to all the students who came to the event for their enthusiasm and participation (Lara Moylan, 8PA).


    [accordion_item title="Fremantle Eisteddfod - Congratulations" accordion="accordion"]

    After a great performance at our College Assembly recently, our Choirs competed in the Fremantle Eisteddfod on Friday 15 May.

    51ɬɬapp Girls’ Choir were in the Open Choir section. They came 2nd with 91% (equal with MLC Chorale, beaten by a point by Penrhos.

    The Boys Choir were in the Open vocal ensemble section. They came 1st with 94%, the second highest score of any item from any school.

    The students were great all day, quite a few parents came and the adjudicator spoke very warmly to the audience about the Corpus Christi singing and reappearance at the Eisteddfod.

    Congratulations Mr David Harries, Ms Rebecca Bunn and Ms Cath Runyon who accompanied the students to this competition.


    [accordion_item title="Australian Curriculum Update (Years 7 -10)" accordion="accordion"]

    The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) is an independent statutory authority that is in the process of developing and implementing a national curriculum. ACARA is yet to complete the development of the “Australian Curriculum” across ALL learning areas, however, Phase One subjects: English, Mathematics, Science and Humanities are finalised and ready for reporting.

    The School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) has mandated that all schools report on student progress in Phase One subjects for students in Years 7 to 10. 51ɬɬapp will start to provide this information on the Semester One Report. Students will receive two grades for these subjects, a school based Course grade and an Australian Curriculum (State) grade. With respect to all other subjects (where the Australian Curriculum is yet to be finalised by ACARA) students will only receive a school based Course grade as has always been the case.


    [accordion_item title="Academic Extension Programme" accordion="accordion"]

    Students who have been identified as having high academic potential and ability have been selected and invited to take part in the Academic Excellence Extension Program (AEEP). The program offers students the opportunity to work on an extended project of their choice. This program commences on Tuesday 28th April, between 7.30am to 8.30am and will run until the end of August.

    Students can select a project of their choice and can work collaboratively with others or individually. Click here to access the AEEP site. Student projects will be exhibited and showcased to parents and friends later in the year. In some situations, the students will be able to present their final projects to some of their classes.



    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


    [tab_item icon="" title="Senior School" tabs="tabs"]


    [accordion_item title="Senior School Examinations " accordion="accordion"]

    Year 11 and 12 students have received information regarding the examination times and schedules. Year 10 students will receive their examination schedules in coming weeks.
    Copies of the timetables will also be available on the College website. The dates of the examinations are outlined below and they are also published in the College Diary.

    Year 12 Examinations Monday May 18 to Friday May 29
    Year 11 Examinations Monday May 25 to Friday June 5
    Year 10 Examinations Tuesday June 2 to Tuesday June 9

    Can I please stress the importance of students being present for all of their examinations and that should a student fall unwell and be unable to attend an examination that I am notified by phone or email on the morning of the examination. A medical certificate must be provided for any student who misses an examination for medical reasons which is to be given to Mr Ian Hagen at the College.

    Below a few key reminders regarding the College Examination Policy and Practice.

    • Students should ensure they are at the examination venue 20 minutes before the start of reading time as they will be directed into the examination room at least 10-15 minutes before it commences. No extra time is given for lateness. No allowance will be made to students who miss an examination through misreading the timetable.
    • The 51ɬɬapp Examination Policy applies in full at all times (Found on pages 30-32 in the College Diary).
    • Students studying modules which do not have an examination component, will only be required to attend the College during this period if they need to complete outstanding tasks or assessment work.
    • Students are not permitted to leave early from an examination.
    • If students are unable to sit for an examination due to extenuating circumstances please ensure the procedures outlined in the Examination Policy are followed.

    • If you have any questions or queries regarding the Examinations then please do not hesitate to contact the relevant Head of Year or Mr Ian Hagen at the College.


      [accordion_item title="Australian Curriculum Update (Years 7 -10) " accordion="accordion"]

      The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) is an independent statutory authority that is in the process of developing and implementing a national curriculum. ACARA is yet to complete the development of the “Australian Curriculum” across ALL learning areas, however, Phase One subjects: English, Mathematics, Science and Humanities are finalised and ready for reporting.

      The School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) has mandated that all schools report on student progress in Phase One subjects for students in Years 7 to 10. 51ɬɬapp will start to provide this information on the Semester One Report. Students will receive two grades for these subjects, a school based Course grade and an Australian Curriculum (State) grade. With respect to all other subjects (where the Australian Curriculum is yet to be finalised by ACARA) students will only receive a school based Course grade as has always been the case.


      [accordion_item title="Semester One Results and Subject Selection" accordion="accordion"]

      As students receive their results from the Examinations, they will have a good idea regarding their grade for Semester One. The focus of senior school is to achieve academic success; therefore ensuring students are on an appropriate pathway, which prepares them for post-secondary options, is essential. Year 10 and 11 students are reminded that to select ATAR courses in 2016, they need to demonstrate academic success in the relevant course they are currently studying. ‘B grades or higher are desired grades, however most pre-requisites indicate 60% to be the mark required to continue with the course.

      More information regarding the subject selection process will be issued to students in the coming weeks. Year 10 and 11 students who are unsure about what pathway they should take, or have very little idea about what they would like to do after the finish school, are advised to make an appointment to see Mrs Middleton in the Careers Office after examinations.

      God Bless

      Ian Hagen
      Deputy Principal Senior School



      One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


      [tab_item icon="" title="Corpus General News" tabs="tabs"]

      [accordion_item title="Ministry News" accordion="accordion"]


      Dear Lord,
      Be with these students as they enter their exams.
      We give thanks for the many talents and gifts that they possess.
      Help them to recall all that they have studied and express it clearly.
      Inspire them to answer the questions and encourage them to to do the very best they can
      Lord, be with them during this time, so that together, there is nothing that they cannot handle.
      We ask the Holy Spirit to think through them so you inspire their ideas.
      We ask these prayers through Christ, our Lord

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      This week the College has made a donation of $5797 to Caritas Australia, which has come from the fundraising activities held at the College during the season of Lent. It has been wonderful to see students and families of our community consider those who are less fortunate in our world. Your contributions will make a significant difference to others.

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      A reminder that all members of the community are invited to celebrate the Eucharist with the Year 12 Homerooms. Weekly Mass commences at 8.00am on Fridays in the refurbished College chapel.

      With the senior school exams over the next two weeks, Yr 9 Salvado and Xavier will celebrate mass over the coming weeks.

      Week 6 (29 May) 9 Salvado
      Week 7 (5 June) 9 Xavier
      Week 8 (12 June) No Homeroom Mass – Corpus Christi Day
      Week 9 (19 June) 11 Merici
      Week 10 (26 June) 11 Pallotti
      Week 11 (3 July) 11 Romero


      [accordion_item title="Parents and Friends" accordion="accordion"]

      The next Parents and Friends Meeting will be held on Tuesday 2 June, 7.00pm in the College Staffroom, with special guest, Matt Taylor MLA. Please find below a useful link about the power of advocacy groups and the difference they have made to Australian society over the years.

      "From little things, big things grow", a perfect analogy in describing the influence our parents can have on the outcome of decisions at all the levels which impact on the education of our children.


      [accordion_item title="2016 National Youth Science Forum" accordion="accordion"]

      ScienceForumYear 11 students achieving solid grades with a passion for their STEM studies should consider applying for the 2016 National Youth Science Forum. Expressions of Interest are currently being sought. Deadline is 31 May 2015. Encourage them to learn more at .

      If you have any queries do not hesitate to contact the NYSF office on 6125 2777.


      [accordion_item title="FlyBz @ Corpus" accordion="accordion"]

      FlyBz_00351ɬɬapp had the good fortune to host The Flybz, Fablice and G-Storm, in the Yidarra Parish Hall on Friday 22nd of May. The 2014 visit laid foundation by the boys, to their story of day-to-day violence and fear, extreme poverty, survival and hope through faith. While escaping ethnic intolerance and genocide, based on the Hutu and Tutsi separation designed by Belgian colonialism.

      Fablice tells the audience when a truckload of soldiers came to his school. They gathered the scared students. Tall boys were picked out and taken away. This was Fablice’s entry to being a child soldier. He was able to run away two weeks later and hide in the jungle, knowing that he would be killed if found. Then follows a period of survival and petrol sniffing. Fablice eventually found his sister in a refugee camp in Tanzania.

      G- Storm, Fablice’s nephew, was born in a refugee camp. G, tells his story of how his mother at 17 was raped. This is how G-Storm came into this world. He eventually located his father.

      These are just some points that I picked up on from this years presentation. The boy’s world was and is so far removed from my world and it is very hard for me to comprehend. It sounds like a novel or story written by an author who has taken liberties within a skeleton of truth.

      This is how I introduced the boys to their audiences during each session.

      I am delighted to inform that while their story is sad and uncomfortable in places to hear, it ends with a message of hope and recognition to what we have. Theirs is a story of faith and God is placed front and centre. This is the message they preached to the students throughout the day: be thankful for the life, education and opportunities that you have.

      The afternoon sessions ended with the boys getting the audience up to sing and dance a traditional Burundi song.

      Scott Connery
      Head of Year 8


      [accordion_item title="Community News" accordion="accordion"]


      Winthrop Gardens Supa IGA has been provided with plenty of feedback and photos letting us know how the School Benefits Program money has been used in their school. Since the SBP commenced in June 2011 we have donated over $60,000, shared among 11 local schools, including 51ɬɬapp.

      We would provide feedback about how your school has benefitted from the Winthrop Gardens Supa IGA School Benefits Program.

      It would be terrific to hear feedback from your school Librarian (if the SBP money went towards the Library) or your PE teacher (if the money went towards sporting equipment) etc. or perhaps a classroom teacher who has benefitted from the funds received via the program.

      This information will be added to your school’s profile on the SBP page on our store website .

      It is great to be able to keep our customers and SBP members up to date with the program and also encourage others to join the program to support schools, such as yours, and the use of actual photos, statements and feedback from each school makes it all the more meaningful.

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      Are you interested in studying design?

      If so, the Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Visual Arts’ Design Studio may be for you. The Studio introduces senior school students to architecture, landscape architecture, integrated design, urban design and visual arts at UWA, over 4 days in the January school holidays.

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      MedEntry UMAT Preparation

      MedEntry can be accessed from :

      We are an internationally trusted educational institution providing UMAT preparation in Australia, New Zealand and Ireland. MedEntry is the original Registered Training Organisation which offers a Government Accredited UMAT course. The UMAT test is a prerequisite for entry into most health science courses such as medicine. We have been training students for tests such as UMAT for over thirty years. Most health science students have been trained by MedEntry.

      We have a commitment to helping disadvantaged students achieve their goals. To this end we offer several discounts and scholarships.



      One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.



      The 51ɬɬapp e-News is a fortnightly newsletter showcasing all of the latest activities, events and achievements at the College. The e-News is distributed to the 51ɬɬapp community and made available on the public website. For more information, please contact communications@corpus.wa.edu.au

      Tags:eNews, news