Inter-House Cross Country


The weather was a wonderful complement for a successful Inter-House Cross Country Carnival held on the last day of Term One. Congratulations must be extended to all students and staff who ran well on the day. Some outstanding performances were a joy to watch for all those present.

The House spirit was felt across the event as students ran, walked, cheered and danced over the course of the day. All students who were involved on the day should be very proud of their efforts.

An event of this magnitude does not come to fruition without the assistance of many. Sincere thanks are extended to:

1) Firstly, the House Coordinators for their continued support and work behind the scenes in getting their Houses ready for not only the major carnivals like Cross Country, but their tireless work in the many other events that occur across the calendar.

2) The Physical Education staff, lead by Mr Kingwell, for the smooth organisation of yet another successful Inter-House carnival.

3) The staff at Blue Chip Timing, for the use of the state-of-the-art timing technology.

4) Administrative and ICT staff for their help with photography, technical support and data collation. To all the College staff, both teachers and the large numbers of support staff who assisted throughout the day and in the lead up.

5) And finally, to you, the students…. For your efforts and performances out in the field, coupled with your House spirit, really made for an extremely successful day.

Your support is always very much appreciated.

All the final placings, individual champions and the times of every race are available via the following link:

Mr Howard is analysing the results and will select the ACC Team. After doing so well at the ACC Carnival last year, the College looks forward to continued success in 2015. If you have any questions concerning selection, please contact Mr Howard or ask your son/daughter to see him at a recess or lunch.